The rest of the portraits
Well, here we are, only about a month late. Sorry if this is the first time you're seeing most of these. Family members: we own the copyright on all of these, so there is no problem with having prints made wherever you like.

My favorite is the hat picture, which I thought had a classic feel. I punched it up a bit with software:

London has been keeping us in stitches lately with his words.
He has been very curious about speeder bumps.
The following exchange was unsolicited and apropos of nothing:
London: When someone's head pops off it goes KABOOM!
Me: Yeah?
London: Yeah, and then you can't talk anymore.
Back in December he and I were playing a game, in which we'd taking turns asking, "What do a two and three make?" "Twenty-three", and so on. After we'd done high numbers for a while I switched things up and asked, "What do a one and an eight make?" He said, "One-ty eight!"
He came home from school one day with some kind of pigment all over his pants.
Me: Did you color on your pants?
London: Unh-uh.
Me: Did you get color on your pants?
London: Uh-huh!
We were eating something and he broke it in half and showed me both halves.
London: That's two halfs.
Me: Two halves?
London (exasperated): NO, two HAFFS, not two haves!
We were driving to preschool one morning.
London: What's under the road?
Me: Rocks.
London: Rocks?
Me: Yeah, it's pretty much rocks all the way down.
London: All the way down?
Me: Well, the world is made out of rocks.
London: The world is made out of rocks?
Me: Yeah, you know, underneath everything. The world is a big ball of rock. But it has other stuff on the outside, like water, and air, and trees, and plants, and animals--
London: --and toy stores!

We have two new additions here at Casa Wedel, both goldfish. Pictured above is Fred the Shubunkin. We also have Jennifer the Comet. The big aquarium also has a Mystery Snail, which London named Sly. When he found a smaller snail in the little aquarium, he named it Sly, too. I call them Sly the First and Sly the Second. He calls them First the Sly and Second the Sly.

My favorite is the hat picture, which I thought had a classic feel. I punched it up a bit with software:

London has been keeping us in stitches lately with his words.
He has been very curious about speeder bumps.
The following exchange was unsolicited and apropos of nothing:
London: When someone's head pops off it goes KABOOM!
Me: Yeah?
London: Yeah, and then you can't talk anymore.
Back in December he and I were playing a game, in which we'd taking turns asking, "What do a two and three make?" "Twenty-three", and so on. After we'd done high numbers for a while I switched things up and asked, "What do a one and an eight make?" He said, "One-ty eight!"
He came home from school one day with some kind of pigment all over his pants.
Me: Did you color on your pants?
London: Unh-uh.
Me: Did you get color on your pants?
London: Uh-huh!
We were eating something and he broke it in half and showed me both halves.
London: That's two halfs.
Me: Two halves?
London (exasperated): NO, two HAFFS, not two haves!
We were driving to preschool one morning.
London: What's under the road?
Me: Rocks.
London: Rocks?
Me: Yeah, it's pretty much rocks all the way down.
London: All the way down?
Me: Well, the world is made out of rocks.
London: The world is made out of rocks?
Me: Yeah, you know, underneath everything. The world is a big ball of rock. But it has other stuff on the outside, like water, and air, and trees, and plants, and animals--
London: --and toy stores!

We have two new additions here at Casa Wedel, both goldfish. Pictured above is Fred the Shubunkin. We also have Jennifer the Comet. The big aquarium also has a Mystery Snail, which London named Sly. When he found a smaller snail in the little aquarium, he named it Sly, too. I call them Sly the First and Sly the Second. He calls them First the Sly and Second the Sly.