Christmas season

Although London loves his new Legos, he still likes to build with his Duplo blocks. The other day he told me he was building a castle. When he was done I told him it was a very nice castle, but he said, "It's not a castle. It's a church!"

We have two weekly rituals. One is Friday Night Fish Stick Picnic. The other is watching America's Funniest Videos on Sunday nights, or as London calls it, "the funny doggy show." It always makes London laugh out loud.

London normally speaks without a noticeable accent, but somehow he figured out how to do a Southuhn drawl. Out of the blue a few months ago he started folding himself in half and saying, "Yuh see mah bahttum?" There is no predicting when this is going to happen, and sometimes he goes weeks without doing it. So it's always a surprise, and never follows what's been going on, which makes it funnier. We usually crack up and say, "Yes, we see your bottom, Silly Man!" Which makes him fold in half again and shout, "YUH SEE MAH BAHTTUM!?" This usually goes for a few cycles until we're all helpless with laughter.

Last weekend we set up our Nativity. It's the first we've ever had.

We've been reading about the first Christmas for London's bedtime Bible story. He knows the story by heart and he thinks it's very sweet that baby Jesus was born in a manger.

Last night we set up our Christmas tree. Mom and Dad sent a box of ornaments from when I was a kid. London had fun hanging bulbs.

This is maybe my favorite picture of Vicki and London, certainly my favorite since London was a newborn. Merry Christmas to you all!
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