London feeds geese!

Today Mimi and Papa took London to a little lake near the library to feed the ducks and geese. We took some stale Cheerios and old bread, and London had a ball feeding all the birds.

London and Mimi and Papa were mobbed by dozens and dozens of hungry, honking waterfowl.

As we started to run low on munchies, most of the birds departed for greener pastures: the two guys in the background who showed up with some food of their own.

Our holdouts were a mob of big fat geese, who came after London and Mimi for the last breadcrumbs. One of them bit Mimi's finger, but fortunately Mimi had a glove on so it didn't hurt. They backed London up right against the tree, but as we were driving away I asked London what his favorite bird was and he said, "The one that chased me!"

London ran all the way around the lake. I walked, and took pictures.

London has been plagued by croup since he was a baby. He had a respiratory evaluation this summer and we learned that he has a narrow windpipe. Every night before bed he gets 9 minutes of steroid aerosol through a nebulizer mask. His mask is shaped like a fish, so he calls it doing his "fish face". Vicki and I use it as time to read him books before bedtime, and so does Papa.
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