Here and there
I was doing pretty good about getting pictures up at Christmas and then I kinda pooped out. Still tons of cool pictures to show from the Wedel half of Christmas, which I WILL get to.

In the meantime, London has been having much fun playing with his new Lego trucks.

I used my Christmas money from Terry and Carla to buy a spotting scope, and my Christmas money from Mom and Dad to put up a bird feeder in the back yard (thank you cards will come someday!). I have not gotten any non-fuzzy bird pictures but I did snag our local squirrel from about 30 feet out.

Today I flew to South Dakota, where I'll be filming for a dinosaur documentary for the next couple of days. On the drive to the Super 8 Motel in Hill City we went past Reptile Gardens--that ought to bring back some old vacation memories!

I've owned a digital camera for 6 years now, so I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner to take some pictures of the gorgeous Southwest scenery that Californians fly over every time we go anywhere.

For you geology geeks out there, check out the laser-straight fault line cutting through the mountains in the above picture.
London has been keeping us in stitches with his words. About the only TV show we watch as a family is America's Funniest Videos, which London calls "the funny doggy show". If there is a particularly good video that makes him laugh, he will say "again" and we will use the jump back button on the remote to show him again.
The other night there was a commercial for the Miss America pageant. London said, "Those girls have not any pants on!" After the commercial was over, he said, "I wanna see the girls with not any pants on again." Sorry, dude, not this time.
London has been talking about "smooks". We don't know what smooks are and he can't tell us. Apparently sometimes they are good guys and sometimes they are scary guys. By trial and error drawing we discovered that smooks look like ghosts, of the white-sheet-draped-over-little-kid variety.
I have a ton more funny sayings written on the pad by the fridge, but that's in sunny SoCal and I'm in the Hill City Super 8, so you'll just have to be patient. It's 2 degrees out there tonight, but tomorrow the temperature should soar up to 5 or 6!

In the meantime, London has been having much fun playing with his new Lego trucks.

I used my Christmas money from Terry and Carla to buy a spotting scope, and my Christmas money from Mom and Dad to put up a bird feeder in the back yard (thank you cards will come someday!). I have not gotten any non-fuzzy bird pictures but I did snag our local squirrel from about 30 feet out.

Today I flew to South Dakota, where I'll be filming for a dinosaur documentary for the next couple of days. On the drive to the Super 8 Motel in Hill City we went past Reptile Gardens--that ought to bring back some old vacation memories!

I've owned a digital camera for 6 years now, so I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner to take some pictures of the gorgeous Southwest scenery that Californians fly over every time we go anywhere.

For you geology geeks out there, check out the laser-straight fault line cutting through the mountains in the above picture.
London has been keeping us in stitches with his words. About the only TV show we watch as a family is America's Funniest Videos, which London calls "the funny doggy show". If there is a particularly good video that makes him laugh, he will say "again" and we will use the jump back button on the remote to show him again.
The other night there was a commercial for the Miss America pageant. London said, "Those girls have not any pants on!" After the commercial was over, he said, "I wanna see the girls with not any pants on again." Sorry, dude, not this time.
London has been talking about "smooks". We don't know what smooks are and he can't tell us. Apparently sometimes they are good guys and sometimes they are scary guys. By trial and error drawing we discovered that smooks look like ghosts, of the white-sheet-draped-over-little-kid variety.
I have a ton more funny sayings written on the pad by the fridge, but that's in sunny SoCal and I'm in the Hill City Super 8, so you'll just have to be patient. It's 2 degrees out there tonight, but tomorrow the temperature should soar up to 5 or 6!
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