Trick or Treat!

For Halloween London was Anakin Skywalker, in his Clone Wars getup. Or, as London says, "AN-akin SKY-wolker!"

At first he was a little nervous about being in costume, but when he got to preschool and saw all of his friends dressed up, he was excited. At school he got to go trick-or-treating around the shopping center next to the preschool.

Vicki and I dressed up, too--there was a costume contest at work. Vicki went as a convict, with some really excellent and authentic-looking tatoo sleeves. I didn't even know they made such things.

I went as a vampire. The main hangup with the fangs is that they keep you from closing your mouth, so drool is a constant concern. Still, I had a good time chasing London around. When I went to pick him up from preschool, all of the other kids wanted to be chased, too, so I obliged them for a few minutes.

We had plans to hang out with some friends Friday night, but Vicki wasn't feeling well. I took London to the mall instead. Lots of shops were giving out candy to trick-or-treaters. London got about a million "Aww, that's so CUTE!"s. We spent Halloween money from Grandpa and Grandma on a Happy Meal and some Star Wars Galactic Heroes, which are stubbly action figures for the little folks.

All in all, it was our best Halloween yet. Next up: London's fourth birthday, in just a week and a half!