A special time

Whoa! Maybe not that special. I'm talking about my baby brother Ryan's impending wedding, three Saturdays from now, to Miss Courtney Hurst, who is:

- a good sport, considering that London's first inclination is to treat grown-ups as furniture;

- not a bad engineer when it comes to improbably tall block structures (in the background you can see Ryan struggling to read Jester Hats for Fun and Profit);

- good at multitasking, like she is here with her niece and nephew. She's also an all-around good person, which makes her attraction to my obviously troubled brother kinda mystifying. At least she's getting him off the market.
All these pictures are from last Christmas. Like I said, I'm bad at this. At least you're getting some now; the pictures from Christmas 2006 still haven't made it.

Courtney has a big black lab named, er, Cerberus or Megatron or something. I haven't met him, but apparently he is seven feet tall at the shoulder and snorts flames. Courtney's family was so impressed with Ryan that they got him a black lab of his own, a girl puppy he named Valentine.

Wyan wuvs Vawentine and gets vewy angwy if she gets dwessed up in cwoes. In this picture he's glaring at Courtney, from whose tender clutches he's just 'liberated' Val. Don't poke the bear!

Oh, all right, I suppose I've picked on the poor kid enough. Here's a slightly better picture of him. That unsightly mess on the floor next to him is his Uncle Ryan.

But who am I kidding? This isn't Letters to Lovesick Fools, it's Letters to London. So here's some Londony goodness. First in a hat at Mimi and Papa's house...

...then in some antlers at Grandma and Grandpa's. Sorry, grandparents, your pictures with London will have to wait until next time.
More of London's words
About a story: You tell it to me.
Pointing to an unfamiliar dinosaur: I don't know he.
After finding a feather on our walk last night: It's a weaf.
Me: It looks like a leaf, but I think it's a feather.
London: We can take the feaver home and put it in a cup of water for Momma! (which we frequently do with flowers)
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