On his own, but not alone

Here's London in a dogpile. Above his head is Sadie Dog, a birthday present from Lauren and Sydney Zephro. Sadie Dog is named for Sarah Ginn's dog, Sadie. Next to him is Elmo Dog. Between Elmo Dog and Sadie Dog is Baby Dinosaur Dog. And in London's arms is Sock Dog. Sock Dog was invented when we were traveling and didn't have any of his regular dogs for him to snuggle to sleep. Vicki's idea, and a good one. He likes Sock Dog so much that he sleeps with it even when he's back in the pound, as he is here. He's tucked up against the don't-fall-out-of-bed pillow; his own pillow at the top of the bed, unused as usual, is covered with his Fire Truck Binkit, one of the survivors of his babyhood.
When I see him curled up like this, it reminds me of the first time I saw him at all, curled up the same way on the ultrasound screen, small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. And it reminds me of how he would curl up when he was brand new, and I could put the crown of his head against my bicep and still have to curl my hand up to cradle his bum and little froggy legs.
this has to be one of the cutest pictures of london i have ever seen! he has gotten so big!
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