Special Feature: the thousand (retarded) faces of Uncle Ryan

This blog is supposed to be about London, but as I was going through the pictures from this trip I realized that I had an inordinate number that showed Ryan looking . . . goofy. I think that's partly because he is goofy, and partly because you'd have to go to Hogzilla to find a bigger ham. Here he is looking dapper and quite mentally challenged in Anna Ruth's hat. Note that although it belongs to a 13-month-old baby, the hat almost fits on my brother's curiously tiny head.

I can't decide if Ryan is yawning here, or simply longing to dine on human brains.

Like me, Ryan has nothing but love for the sauropods. He just expresses his differently.

An homage to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. This picture makes me laugh out loud every time I look at it. It's the expression on his face. Man, that's priceless.

I found this at the bottom of an old box of magazines. A nostalgic memento of yesteryear, for sure.
P.S. That last one is probably slightly funnier if you know that Courtney was prom queen at Oklahoma State.
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