Trains, thunderheads, and tractors

Tuesday was my birthday. We took London to the Oklahoma State Railroad Museum in Enid.

Here he is in the driver's seat of the monster steam locomotive shown in the previous picture, which together with its tender weighs 290 tons.

London likes little trains, too.

And train whistles, like this one he is pulling with some help from Grandpa.

The railroad museum is one of Enid's best kept secrets. I grew up near Enid and have been going there for one reason or another for three decades, and I never knew it existed until this past year.

Here's the big locomotive again.

That same evening a thunderstorm moved through and we got a little rain. Here is a view to the west from my parents' house, just before the rain started to fall. You can see a curtain of rain falling on the horizon.

And here's the same view right after the storm passed, with some cool mammatus clouds on the bottom of the cloud deck.

Today we worked a lot in the yard. Here Grandpa is giving London and Grandma a ride in the wagon.

It wasn't all fun and games, though. London helped load cut wood.

He loves helping his grandparents.

He even helped Grandpa drive the logs to the woodpile.
Stay tuned for more pictures soon.
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