To Yosemite and beyond!

Saturday mornings are lovely. Yesterday we had a lazy backyard day.

It's official, we have the cutest boy in the world.

Today we went up to Yosemite. We had a nice picnic lunch.

After lunch London and I went for a stroll in the woods.

London thinks baby trees are funny.

He didn't want to approach this hollow tree? "Why," I asked, "what do you think is in there?"
London: "Winnie-the-Pooh!"
We've been reading Pooh stories every night before bed.

There is a pioneer village near the south entrance of the park. If the sun looks extra bright, it was. Hot, too: over a hundred. Not what we expected in the mountains!

Right now, bridges and tunnels are tops in London's world. Because he knows them from Thomas and His Friends, of course.
Some of London's recent sayings:
hoo hight
Too tight. I am actually too late on this one, he finally learned to say his T's so now it is "too tight".
I gon't know
Okay, I guess he still has trouble with some T's. And some D's.
boccolri [bock-ull-ree]
R's tend to get misplaced, and sometimes D's that snuck out of other words turn up in strange places.
Thomas DDV
Thomas DVDVD
On trips we take Thomas DVDs and show them on our laptops. Tiny still has a hard time with 'DVD'.
"That snake say!"
If you make an animals noise, London will say, "That [x] say!"
"Wake up to the water, Daddy!"
Sometimes I pinch my nose and lay down in the swimming pool to get fully immersed. London grabs my shoulders and tries to pull me up. "Wake up to the water!"
Finally, on the heels of "I eat moke!" we now have, "I want a bite of your juice."
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