More of London's words

doot - dude
He chops off the second 'd' so short that it comes out like a 't'. He loves saying it, too.
minga - pudding
No clear explanation for this one. It just is what it is.
zahnya - lasagna
A lot of words get their first syllable chopped off, or they get an article added even if they don't need one. So often 'car' is 'a-gar' and 'sky' is 'a-guy'.
Incidentally, we can get London to eat all kinds of stuff if we just lie about what it is. Anything with tomato sauce is presented as "lasagna". Thin-sliced sausage and pepperoni are "bacon". Black beans are "raisins". So far, it's working.
GAAAANG!! - dang
A couple of weeks ago I was watching American's Funniest Videos and something ridiculous happened and I said, "Dang!" London immediately yelled, "GAAAAANG!" So I've been saying "dang" once in a while just to hear him say "GAAAAANG!"

hoot tain - fruit train
The Thomas the Tank Engine playset that London got for his birthday has a flatbed railroad car with a box of fruit that stays attached with a magnet. London always says 'fruit' as 'hoot' and 'train' as 'tain', but it's more than doubly funny when he combines them. He also has a tendency to misplace the hoot tain and then walk around the house saying, "Hoot tain? Hoot tain?"

boose - caboose
He also lost the caboose the other day. It was gone for about 24 hours before we found it behind some furniture in the living room. He had been seriously worried. "Boose? Boooose??"

We start a lot of mornings having cereal together. It's pretty great. Cereal comes out "ceweal", which is so cute it almost gives me a heart attack.
But now it's late and it's time for me to put my little man to bed. See you all in the future!

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