London's first trick-or-treat

London was going to be a dinosaur. His Gamma got him an awesome dino costume, but it kinda freaked him out. He's always had a hard time with people that don't look like people. C-3PO makes him run screaming. So the dino costume didn't last. We'll give it another go next year.

For a backup costume, we put one of our pirate blouses on him and turned him into a ghost (albeit one with a blue hood). He loved it. Vicki used safety pins to fix the length and the sleeves and he was off and running. It didn't take him long to figure out that he needed to pick up his hem when was going up stairs or crossing uneven ground, and he didn't fall down once.

Vicki went as a geisha...

...and I was a knight.

At the first couple of houses, Tiny wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. But he got pretty good about taking one piece of candy and putting it in his basket. We took turns going to the door with him. I went with him to the first house, which was a good thing. Vicki was crying because I punched her in the neck.
NO! She was crying because London is getting so big. It is hard to believe that your little tiny baby, the one you used to cradle in the crook of one arm, is still a baby when he's hitching up his ghost costume to go get some candy.

The Triceratops basket also came from Gamma. It was supposed to be for hunting Easter eggs, but it worked just fine as a trick-or-treat basket.
London made us both laugh a lot. He looked like he stepped out of the Charlie Brown Halloween special. And for some reason on the way home he hopped out of his little car and started running. Except for holding our hands or being carried at crosswalks, he ran for four blocks straight. If you've never seen it, a little tiny man running full tilt down the sidewalk dressed as a ghost is pretty darn funny. Then he cried when we carried him inside.

But he cheered up pretty fast once we got inside and he got to eat some nem-a-nems.
We've been home for all of three hours and I'm already looking forward to doing it again.
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