Oakland Air Museum, Part 3

It took us a couple of hours to see the indoor exhibits and tour the flying boat. That left about a dozen planes to see outside, including this MiG 15. Planes of this make flew against American jets in Korea and Vietnam.

Here I am looking dashing as I prepare to zoom off into the wild blue yonder. Behind me is a Navy A-3 Skywarrior.

And here is a much smaller attack aircraft, an A-4 Skyhawk. The Navy used these planes extensively in Vietnam. Today their place has been taken by F/A-18 Hornets.

Here's an AIM-7 Sparrow radar-guided missile. This missile was originally developed in the 1950s, and it was the sharp point of the sword for American warplanes until the AIM-20 AMRAAM came into service in 1991. Between the ages of 12 and 16 I built a zillion model airplanes, and I painted a lot of Sparrows, so it was cool to see one in the flesh.

While Ryan and I were running around taking pictures, London and Vicki were taking it easy in some old airliner seats. Somehow we missed getting any photos of the F-14 (if you're not a plane buff, that's the good guys' plane from Top Gun).

And here's one for the road. Grandparents, we didn't intentionally keep you away from the air museum. I only remembered that there was a air museum in Oakland on Friday. We'll take you the next time you're out. You'll love it.
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